Newport Food Festival, Pembrokeshire

29th October to 4th November 2023

 A week-long series of events is unfolding. Which ones are you interested in attending?  You can book for events that need booking when you register on the link above.

Or you can email or text/call 07791 809 810

Here’s the current programme:

Sunday 29th October – Launch, by invitation.
Newport Boat Club

  • Choir at 4pm also electric bike mini muster and apple juicing
  • Launch event co-organised with the Eden Project Cornwall.

Jim Bowen will set the context with the challenges of rapid climate change and its impact on food security. We’ll then hear inspiring lightning talks from resilience initiatives on how groups are tackling the challenges head-on.

There will be plenty of time for mingling and discussion. The launch event looks beyond food, beyond Newport, and beyond the present day.

Monday 30th October – Chefs’ Day
Trewern Arms, Nevern

  • Jenny Chandler will cook with children at 3pm and at 6pm will offer chef demonstrations and share her insights on diet and cooking in discussion with Jess Seaton, founder of TOAST. There will be tasters of UK pulse foods.

Tuesday 31st October – Farming Day

  • A tour of two small holdings, taking in some local pioneers along the route. You will see how the many can live on micro renewables, learn about regenerative grazing, and sit in a new hempcrete barn.
  • Evening talk at Royal Oak Newport by Dylan Roberts of Carningli Dairy, a community-serving farm. Learn about multi-generational farming and the enduring relationship between animals and farmer.
  • Order a local special meal from the Oak, in advance please.

Wednesday 1st November – Wild Living Day

  • Morning visit to Beeview Farm where they’ve created a self-sufficient lifestyle with foraging, building and inventing from spare materials.

Thursday 2nd November – The Food Fair
Newport Hall 10am to 6pm

  •  A food fair with the full range, everything you need plus the indulgencies. Chosen for being local, sustainable, delicious and wholesome. Programe of talks by producers in a separate room.
  • LLys Meddyg at 7pm for chocolate and wine tasting. Pay £25 on arrival.

Friday 3rd Nov – Family Cooking Day

  • 10am Harvesting and tour of the new organic market garden at Nevern Valley Veg.
  • 11.30am Family cooking day at the Hall with cooking activities for children.

Saturday 4th Nov – Farm Visit Day

  • Visit to Carn Edward farm on the side of Carningli in the Gwaun and lunch with the farming family. A rare insight into multi generational relationships to the land, animals and husbandry.
  • Evening party at Trewern with folk music, 2 bands, and disco. Food and music from 6pm. £15 including light local supper, pay on the door.

Donations requested for events other than those with a cost (mentioned above). No cost for food fair or community meeting.